.Net 6 + WebApi Basics 1 - WebApi
2022-12-25 13:17:56  .Net  >> .Net6  >> WebApi

This is a tutorial series for developers from zero to basic level to quickly understand .Net6 + WebApi.

What is a WebApi?

Simply put, WebApi is the interface between front-end and back-end for data interaction.
The front-end sends data to the back-end and the back-end returns data to the front-end using WebApi.

Create a WebApi Program

It is convinient to create a WebApi Program.
Step 1 - Open Visual Studio
Step 2 - Create a new project
New Project
Step 3 - Choose ASP.NET Core Web API
Choose Template
Step 4 - Project Name and Directory
Name and Directory
Step 5 - Choose Framework in .NET 6
Step 6 - Build and Run Program
Step 7 - Check Availability
In the opened website template, which is a weather forecast website provided by default, you can see that
https://localhost:7048/swagger/index.html is URL.
7048 is the port number.

Next: .Net 6 + WebApi Basics 2

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